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Really addicting and cute graphics!

(1 edit)

I thought the game design was quite elegant. The mechanics are intuitive and easy to grasp, the objective is clear, and the upgrades provide a satisfying sense of progress. The currency being the corpse of the very thing you need to protect is a great feature. I also really appreciated the display of the cooldown directly on the cursor.

It’s already quite fun as it is, but if you decide to add more upgrades and further balance the game, it has amazing potential! :)

Nice mechanic, but i'd like to see more unique upgrades. Grind for speed and damage bored me after some time

great idea!


Hurray for peace in the woods!!! This is super cute and I totally didn't get it at first (I killed my critter for meat lol and the second time they demolished my sword cuz I didn't realize they could) but once I got it, it was a lot of fun! And a challenge to beat it in as few resets as possible.

This is a super addictive game that I was super happy (and proud) to finish!

- ✨Beth

Yay, thanks for the review! And glad you liked it! The pacing is a bit slow since I had no time to balance it before deadline, might fix in a post jam version though :)


I honestly didn't feel like it was slow or anything, the life limit meant I was being careful even when things seemed "easy" so there was some solid tension throughout, even when replaying the same levels. And it had that, like, "this level was tough before but now I can kill em all in one tap, mwahahhaha!" vibe to it.

With that said, I do hope that you make a post-jam version or continue developing it. I really enjoyed the game :D

- ✨Beth


doesnt run on itch launcher

(2 edits) (+3)

What a cool game! I played it right through to the end and maxed out all my upgrades, I made it to the last level with the big boss, but then accidentally killed my last friend instead of the last enemy >:(

While the "insurance" perk is nice to have, I think it takes out a lot of the intensity that makes this game so unique. Do I farm now, or wait for them to grow up? If I have the insurance, there's no pressure on when to farm because you gain the yield anyway.

I would also love to see some clarity around how friends spawn in throughout each round, and their various stages of growth vs their yield. 

Would love to see more upgrades too, even if they're stupidly expensive. I'd probably have given that boss level another shot if I had something to spend my credits on. Even if it was just like 1000 for just 1 more starting friend. But I already maxed everything out so there's no incentive to keep playing.

Maybe it would be interesting if enemies dropped meat too? Maybe rotten meat that can be exchanged for proper meat at 5 for 1 etc

A lot of the fun of this game is the simplicity, but you could definitely extend this out into a full game where you can build fencing around your animals and build a whole farm with defenses etc.

It feels like a cross between "Bunny Breeder" and "Cursorblade". Really fun! 


Hello, and thanks for the great review!

I’m thinking about doing a post jam version that fixes the pacing and adds more stuff to it :) Like enemies dropping stuff you can feed to your friends to upgrade them, and having the option to sacrifice them for upgrading yourself. Just been super busy with other stuff ATM. But maybe soon!


so fun :) thanks for making!

thanks for playing!!


Great game

wow, thanks!! great website!


Great gob!

thanks 2bones!!


Great game!

Thank you!


I love you

Waow thanks!


great style and fun game :)

Thank you, glad you liked it!


this is … an interesting concept, if I can say so. For me it looks like a Reverse Tower Defence type of game, where you are a tower… Sword, in our case.

“Great” learning curve. I learned that you could swipe at enemies only after I purchased all the upgradesAnd after half an hour, the music started to grate my ears a little, but I am very casual player, so most games take me much more time to complete.


Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, I agree there’s a lot of balancing and polishing to be done. I barely managed to finish the full game loop before release, and had to do my complete test after publishing it for the compo. Hopefully it was a bit fun anyway!

So, You are planning to continue improving it? That’s cool!!

It was really fun, I sinked at least an hour into this game, and considering the fact, that it’s should’ve been finished in the ballpark of ~20 minutes…


Love it! the characters are super adorable :3

thanks baybeey


Great work!
