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i know about the tendency of developers to underestimate how good they are at their own games but holy shit, this is one of the most ball-blisteringly hard games i've ever played. it's all but impossible to not crash face first into the ghosts and lose all of your string instantly, especially when they spawn directly behind you at a wall. most of my runs i was lucky if i could get even three eyes without losing everything. i don't feel like i "won" because i Got Good™️, i feel like i won because i bashed my head against a rock enough times that the rock cracked. thank god for the instant [r]estart button...

the music and art is really cute though so it balances out


comments are closed on ludum dare and i have to say all the good things I think about this game, fun and addictive with great graphics and sound and above all the controls react really well, it's very playable and it's simply great!